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Directories (78)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
1stguide3   alice4   appline9
blafasel2   bubble2   calc4
calvino8   car_reg4   cd_exam3
clock1415   clock975   cops7
cops106d2   cpx_spy5   decocalc7
elfback7   extracto3   fast_ser11
fastboot4   finder5   fmff2
fpu_cpu4   freedom22   fritz18
gal1   gaukel3   gclock7
gnuzip1   hp_lett6   hp_opt273
hyp2gdos6   im_print4   iprn2d8
jahr20004   john_doe3   kp_flash3
kview7   lazerz_11   m_saver9
mc_boot4   mcfly1254   memwatch2
menu_uti6   metad2076   mkm_2150
mstrip27   muhwie6   mustek4
notice7   pacsh3017   parc5
parcopy16   parcp70b5   pic2icn5
pinpoint4   popwatch5   ps1
s_artist4   scr_cpy1   sduu4
seebaer5   select207   shauri6
shauri_16   sinf4024   sm124emu40
spuler9   stewart8   stripper8
sum_time2   sunclock4   swampdog3
tick_1107   ttram_161   tttime2
u969   uscreen_2   videlity4